This mod is a compilation of some of my other work plus some unique stuff. It started off with me throwing around a bunch of ideas for unique racial traits to make the units every faction can design much more unique. After working on my AI mod and sorting through all the default units anyway I ended up just making a version of that mod where I added in a bunch of the new traits to the custom units I had created. While I was at it I decided to throw in my armor diversity mod because it's very similar, and adding in some of the monster units from my Age of Fangs mod, which nobody uses anyway. Below is a small sample of some of the custom icons for the new traits.
- 60+ New unique and fun unit traits. Not simply copies of existing traits.
- Reworked all existing units to use new traits, and added dozens more.
- Reworked AI to make it smarter and more difficult without any cheating or gameplay changes.
- A unique monster for every race.
- 11 New faction traits.
- Graphical changes to some armors to make certain races look more unique.
- 2 New races and factions with interesting sovereigns.
- Rebalanced and changed graphics for Umber.
- Replaced city defender archers with Defensive Towers.
- A dozen new items for troops and champions.
- Several new spells.
- Much more.

New Traits and Creatures
(C) = For Champions, (U) For Designed Units
Pride: +1 attack -5 dodge (U)
Spell Guard: +10 spell resist. Grants Counterspell. (UC)
Contemplative: -1 initiative, +12 spell mastery and spell resistance. (C)
Arcane Analysis: Ability that reduces target resistance and armor. (C)
Djinn: A lightning spirit controlled by Amarian magic. Has Lightning Form and Storm.
Hope:+ 3 critical chance. +25% crit damage. (UC)
Slayer: +20% damage versus Twisted, and Undead. (UC)
Duelist: +5 Dodge, +25% counterstrike damage. (U)
Hound: Summons a hound at start of combat. (C)
They already have Henchmen so they get no new monster unit.
Stubborn: Unit becomes invulnerable for 3 turn. (UC)
Heavy: +1hp, cannot be knocked prone. (UC)
Weathered: +20 resistance to fire, ice, and lightning damage. (UC)
They already have Iron Golems so they get no new monster unit.
Guerrilla: +1 move and + 2 initiative when below 50% health. (UC)
Camouflage: + 5 dodge +10 dodge versus ranged (UC)
Trapper: Stuns random unit at start of combat. (UC)
Boola: Range 5 Knockdown ability. (UC) -Item
Huntress: A Tarthan Rider mounted on a Stalker. Has Pounce ability which allows it to teleport short distances and do damage.
Fortune: +5 dodge, +5 accuracy, +5 spell resistance. (UC)
Bounty Hunter: +2 to Armies Attack vs Champions (UC)
Quality Gear: +15% Attack and Defense (UC)
War Golem: Defensive stone golem for Capitar.
Brace: +1 Counterattack when Defending, +25% to Counterattack damage. (UC)
Vain: +20% attack and +2 initiative as long as unit is at full health. (UC)
Backstab: Doubles Swarm Bonus. (UC)
Hergon Crusher: A Kraxis soldier mounted on a Hergon. Immune to Swarm, has Stomp ability.
Powerful: +20 chance to daze with any weapon. (UC)
Boiling Blood: Upon attack this unit gains +1 initiative. Stacks. (UC)
Bulk: +2 attack, -5 to dodge and accuracy. (U)
Physique: +0.5 hitpoints per level, +1 Defense. (UC)
They already have Juggernauts so they get no new monster unit.
Enshadowed: + 8 dodge, spell resistance. (UC)
Death Touch: Units attacked by this unit lose regeneration and take 1 damage per turn. (UC)
Grave Rise: Unit is knocked down for 2 turns but fully heals. (UC)
Revenant: A undead spirit controlled by the Wraiths. Has Frozen Hands and Soul Feed.
Sharp Scales:+2 defense. Units attacking this unit take 1 damage multiplied by troop size. (UC)
Dread: Units attacking this unit have a 25% chance to be pushed back 1 space. (UC)
Predator: +1 initiative, + 7 accuracy.
Salamander: A Quendar mounted on a huge fire Skath. Can Breath fire to do damage in a line to 3 tiles.
Nomad: +1 Movement, +25 Cold resistance. (UC)
Reflex: +1 Defense, Immunity to Critical Hits. (UC)
Hardy: +1hp per level, immunity to poison. (UC)
War Ogre: Hulking Empire unit for Urxen. Can Throw Boulders
Hollow: + 5 Dodge, + 10 Ranged Dodge. (UC)
Plague Carrier: Attacking or being attacked by this unit poisons you for 1-2 damage every turn. (UC)
Dark Link: Restores 1/3 of health for 15 mana. (UC)
Bone Golem: Can harvest the bones of other units granting it 30 health on kills and the ability to consume allies for 30 health.
Light Footed: + 5 Dodge, +1 initiative. (UC)
Paranoid: Immunity to Swarm (UC)
Vital Target: +5 to Critical Hit, +10% to Critical Hit Damage. (UC)
Ogre Bloods: A group of 3 huge Defenders with Arching Shield Bash.
Reach: + 20 Dodge against units with lower initiative . (UC)
Rash: +1 Moves for the first 3 turns of combat. (UC)
Steady: -1 Initiative and +8 Dodge and Accuracy. (UC)
War Golem: Defensive stone golem. In Progress.
-Each mage staff now grants a multi target spell with casting time of one.
-Enchanters now unlocks a lower level lightning staff and some lightning accessories.

*A Revenant, a Djinn, and a Bone Golem.
Component Mods
As I said above this mod contains a lot of content from some of my other mods. This is because of two main reasons. Firstly it was just easier to throw them in and secondly I have enough mods now that a compilation would simplify things and make it easier on people to download. A lot of the content from Age of Fangs is missing because I felt it didn't really fit or would have required changing core files. I pretty much just stole the unique racial monsters.
AI+ - This mod is for everyone looking for a more challenging AI. It changes AI priorities and changes the units they have available to build.
Armor Visuals Mod - Changes the look of the armor for several races.
Age of Fangs - This mod completely reworks how factions recruit monsters and special units. The ability to recruit special units is tied to a new resource called tokens, which are produced by Primitive Villages.
Additional Traits and Races - In addition to several new faction traits the latest version includes includes two completely new races known as the Hashaini and the Hunduran. These new factions have custom units and traits. This mod also replaces and redesigns Capitar and Umber in order to make them more interesting and complete.
City Spires - This mod removes City Archers from the game and replaces them with towers. These towers are ranged units that will defend your cities and scale much better over time. Along with some small bonuses over city archers they mainly have much higher defense and they will use the best bows available. Upon death the units in the tower will die and no other units will be able to walk on the tower tile.
Sovereign Customization - In this mod I have created a bunch of new traits and items for existing and custom sovereigns. Also I have spiced up the existing champion histories by giving them more effects and some unique spells.
Version 1a.
Get it from Nexus here.
To install put xml files into the Documents\My Games\LegendaryHeroes\Mods folder, the contents of Gfx into the Gfx folder in the mod folder, and the Tiles and Effects folders into the MyGames/LegendaryHeroes folder.
If you don't have the Leader Pack simply remove the (BM)Dlc5_Sovs.xml file.
Compatible with Black Market Bazaar and Champion Bonanza.