Clever tactics.
Hmmm thanks guys. I can already see some things I was doing wrong. Apparently not expanding fast enough for one thing. I also usually take the Mage path with my sovereign with a race that is evidently not well suited for it (Defender or commander might be better?). I am building too many buildings and not enough units.
Thinking about it more I don't think I'm getting overwhelmed in terms of unit quality. Yithril is just sending more cheap units at me than I can defend against. I have not been designing my own units either. And I think I built all of about 1 Mage unit - it didn't seem to do that much damage so I kept building shielded tanky guys. Next go round I will also focus more on civic and military tech and less on magic research than I have been.
I may try another race but I really like the Ironeer flavor.
Expansion is everything.
You can never build too many buildings. You don't need a lot of units, just better ones. Personally, I never build any units except in emergencies (random events usually) to hold off a monster.
Elemental damage ignores defense, so if Yithril's troops wear a lot of armor, your Mages will still do the same damage. Besides, they are ranged, so you can pull tricks like Raiddinn describes. Shielded tanky guys are very good, as you can build them for cheap and they are even tankier than armored units from other factions. However, to use their shields to full extent, you should not attack with them, except for Guarded Strike. Otherwise, they will lose their Defense bonus. So you will need some other troops that deal damage.
If you like a Mage and the Magic techs, I would strongly suggest another race. Mages are more powerful than the other classes, except for Ironeer Mages
Try playing as Pariden or Altar or create a custom faction and take some strong traits: Altar or Mancer race; Enchanters and Master Scouts.