Phase Missiles
The basic question that should be asked is whether phase missiles in general are overpowered, or just the PM-equipped bombers. I think we can all agree that kanraks/sentinels aren't causing any balance issues, so the solution seems to lie in nerfing only the vasari bomber. Zombie's idea of reducing the base damage of it to between Advent and Tec seems very elegant. Although Vasari fans may cry foul, keep in mind the "damage gap" would quickly be closed by upgrades, allowing vasari to continue their bomber superiority, just significantly less than before.
I don't really like Greg's suggestion of replacing the weapon type to Wave damage, as it would make the entire upgrade path of phase missiles worthless. Kanraks just aren't that good enough to begin with, and as such are rarely used in multiplayer. Same goes for sentinels. Also, keep it mind Wave damage can only be upgraded at TIER 5, while missiles (TEC) and beams (advent) can be upgraded at 2 and 3, respectively. It is absurd for Vasari to have to wait until titans are out to upgrade their bomber damage. Vasari HCs are also the worst in the game, so you don't really get any bang for you buck with those upgrades.
As for the people blubbering over the fact that this won't reduce Advent's vulnerability to PMs in comparison to TEC, Ironclad can just fix the bug affecting the PM block research and move it to a lower tier. This would probably stop about 90% of the "waaa PM OP plox!" posts.
Vasari Early Game (Skirmishers, Orky)
Most people don't seem to realize that the reason Vasari LFs, Lrms, and vettes are so weak is because they are meant to compensate for the power of the orkulus. Thus, you cannot nerf/buff them without doing the opposite to the other. In the present game, a vasari player can hold out indefinitely in their hw and asteroids with a sb, phase jump inhibitors, and a couple repair bays. This in no way takes any sort of skill and even random noobs can do it.
The problem seems to lie in the fact that PJIs are available very early for vasari (tier 2) as opposed to tier 4 for the other races. An orky combined with pji means you can basically never attack or go through that planet again (until you get bombers). Moving PJI research from tier 2 to tier 3 would be a step in the right direction, as well as buffing skirmishers and vettes by 5% to compensate.
Disruptive Nanites and Phasic Traps
PT are part of the "unholy trinity" that makes the vasari defense very difficult to break. Giving phasic traps a cap on the number of strikecraft it can trap would go a long way in reducing this inbalance. 8 seems like a good number. That way if you have a 100+ strikecraft fleet they won't be made useless by a couple of cheap defenses.
As for DN, I see two ways you can deal it:
Keep the 5 min duration but make caps and titan immune from the debuff,
Tie the duration to the rate of fire (7.5 seconds). That way as long as it keeps on shooting regen is disabled.
Either solution is better than the holy op ability it is right now.
Instead of changing its damage from 40/50/60/70 to a flat 70 for all levels (thereby making it questionable to invest more than one point into it), how about just increasing it to 55/65/75/85? That way the titan gets a nice damage boost early on that increases incrementally till late game. I also think increasing the firing arcs would be good in helping its sub-par damage output.
When did it happen, that the Ankylon did become more powerful than the Ragnarov? Did I miss some major changes?
If I remember correctly, the VL titan was universally regarded as the worst titan when the game first launched. One year later, it's now considered the best, bar none. Funny how fast the metagame can shift.
I am also very tired of people claiming Ragnarov is weak... I have a replay of a highly skilled player (Grimm), using it against another highly skilled player (Doci) very effectively. If you guys want, I can post it... Still not sure it would persuade the more stubborn players on this forum...
Pre-Rebellion Issues
Stuff that needs buffing:
Kol- make Adaptive Forcefield a passive, reduce GRG's antimatter cost
Radiance- fix Animosity (ways listed above)
Marauder- Buff subversion
Enforcers- Worst HCs in the game, I believe ARESIV did a test on this. Simple, just reduce the cost of the wave upgrades
Rapture- underrated unit. Concentration + Vertigo is like Suppression Aura except it even affects STRIKECRAFT!!!!
Skirantra- fix microphasing aura, at present it doesnt do anything
Starfish- Decrease its cost and make its dps significantly higher than ogrovs, at present it is complete trash unit.
1. Superweapon toggle on/off- Will stop the whining about novas/kosturas being OP
2. Fix Minidumps and Disconnects- only 10% of multiplayer games nowadays have no technical issues
3. Increase value of credits you give to your ally from 100/250 to 500/1000 (you can keep present values for resources)
This will make it so that Eco-players don't have to go through a clickfest marathon every time they want to feed...
4. In-Game Clock- I don't understand how this basic feature was never implemented...
5. Fix Competitive Random maps- I still frequently get one phase lane starts...
6. Rudimentary Matchmaking system- One can only hope...
Quoting Sinkillr, reply 21Take your trolling somewhere else... this thread is only for serious balance proposals..
That you choose to ignore my serious proposals is your problem...
Funny, half the stuff in your first post I had already listed in my first post, so maybe you just need to work on your reading comprehension...
Why do I feel like the troll is you???
If by trolling you mean suggesting ways to buff units universally regarded as being weak (kol, marauder, etc), then yes, I am trolling.
P.S. Aresiv that dark green lettering is very hard to read. Maybe switch to a more lighter color?