I was wondering if the servers are down, because I can't see half the WindowBlinds skins nor can I download any of the skins.
Same here!
Thanks, I was hoping it wasn't just me. It's been like this since yesterday afternoon.
The skins I can see will download OK
The skins I cannot see will not download. I receive a message telling me that the page cannot be displayed and to check internet connections which are OK.
Same with me I sit in germany! Can`t see half of my dreams!
I having the exact same problem.
Same here. Don't know if it will get fixed over the weekend though.
Same Here
Looks good to me.
EDIT: Oops, there are some missing previews.
The issues with the Galleries on WinCustomize have been reported.
As it is the weekend it could take some time to get this resolved.
Patience please.
Thanks Hankers.
One of our VMs hung and there wasn't anything directly monitoring the images/skins downloads URL's off it. I've kicked it and things are back in gear. I'll see what I can do about another monitor next week.
ty, Hankers.
Thanks for the info.
What about submissions that were posted in down-time, they are still awaiting approval as far as I can see?
Seems OK now
Cool, thanks.
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