Yeah not sure how this might be possible? I tried casting a strategic spell on them that applies <Attribute>PermanentDeath</Attribute> but it doesn't kill them (until they get killed in tactical battle next).
Theoretically I suppose that you can create a new strategic spell, something like "KillFatallyWoundedHenchman" and give the AI very high priority so it wants to cast it whenever it cans. But I am not sure how all that translates into practice.
I've been thinking about it reading these threads though... whilst this mod is a pretty clever workaround.... I think HF makes a good point in that (unfortunately) I think this would be a bit tough on the AI. For one thing... the champion loses any gear they were carrying... so whilst a human player would be smart enough to offloads all the magical gear from a champion they know will die next battle... the AI would not be, so will lose that gear.
Maybe not a huge drama but for me personally I'm trying to avoid making things any harder for the AI to figure out that they already are. It' s shame there's not just seperate tags for <Permadeath> <UsesEquip> and <CanQuest>.
All your points are very interesting ones and I think we are learning a lot in those threads. It's a bit like a shared research 
I also think that we should make things easier for the AI, and that's why I wonder if degrading the fatally wounded champion value would help and perhaps make the AI disband the unit itself. In addition to add that fatal wound, load the injury with lots of maluses, reducing HP, Attack, Defense, Accuracy, etc. And also give the injury a huge combat rating malus. Would the AI be smart enough to say "this unit is worthless so I'd better disband it"? Perhaps raise the wages a lot to make the decission a no brainer, even for the AI?
But yes, if we could autocast strategic spells that would be a lot easier, or if we could use the tags you propose.
For me personally this is very important because I am implementing food upkeep for soldiers in my Population mod and only champions have access to A_ADDITIVE tags, so I am making every single unit a champion, and it would be great to find a way to (almost) automatically make the AI clean fatally wounded (false) champions.