All MoM, AoW2, FH have great potential, but all suffer from various drawbacks. MoM is easy and unbalancedat at the same time, and after reloading a game AI often retreats. In AoW2 AI doesn't use many things and it doesn't even build pioneers (but by modding its possible to make AI build them), but perhaps AI of AoW2 is the best of all three games. And it has the great and easy to use map editor, scripting and modding tools. FE has many great ideas - starting settings, unit constructor, items and weapons, auto-roads-building, tech tree, but since v 1.12 something wrong was made to AI. It produces pioneers but most AI armies stand still or move purposelessly and there are no sieges and no ships (rudimentary shipyards don't count).
I can only hope that both FE:LH and AoW3 will be good someday... but for now I became convinced, that modded AoW2:SM is the best choice for me. Mod Wizards&Heroes for Aow2:SM forces AI to build pioneers and the game becomes more like MoM and gives better challenge.
I suggest devs to pay more attention to map editor and encourage players to upload their maps. Just look, fans of AoW2 still make maps for it - 10 years after the release of the game!
Alternatively I would like to wait for a fantasy MoM-like strategy developed from Mount and Blade: Warband, or from Total War series, or from King Arthur series. Who knows who will be the first to make another immortal game?