With the word that Legendary Heroes will be exclusive to Steam and many of us purchased from Stardock, will we get Steam keys? What about those of us who also bought the Map Pack from Stardock?
Lastly, great job so far.
I like the direction of including prepackaged unit designs because some players like me just use Henchmen most of the time, or dislike building units. I like the idea of having them there. You should also include Female Henchmen. Seriously, there is no reason for the role to be gender specific. There is a mod, but it should be in the base game.
You have a long way to go. Even Civ5 (released before FE) is still getting development so I hope the journey with FE is still young. Not that "FE is lacking X, so you need to keep fixing X" so much as "The journey has been good, and I hope it doesn't end soon".
I am shocked, literally SHOCKED there is no tribute to FE.
There should be an Erebus mod, or a few custom Erebus civ's as mods or something to pay proper homage to Derrick Paxton. I would do it myself, but I fear messing with anything that involves artwork. I would just do what FE did and replace the leaders with screenshots but no idea how. No offense, but I think it would be better to have. I know how to make 2d images for that, but not how to put them in the game.