Thanks so much for your answers Kongdej 
I find most settings fun, the thing I learned from my own experiences.
Map Type: random
I find that this increases my "excitement" about each new map, as each game will be created in a much different manner.
Wildland freq: none
I just checked the XML and seems that each map type enables or disables terrain types (Generic, Mountains, Desert, Chasms, Rugged, Fertile, Swamps, Forests). Random just enables all of them. I suppose that for a game with less city spots you have to go for map types that disable the "Fertile" type.
To my experience, wildlands are bugged, I usually end up being charged by the biggest and baddest wildland monsters around turn 50 on half my games, and in general I don't think the wildlands add much to the game.
Magic Strength: Moderate to dense
I just find that on "Sparse" there is not enough shards of the type of magic that I like, moderate is the one I run with and I get around 1-2 shards at some point, towards the element that I like... during the common game, before it is really decided who won.
Doesn't "dense" make too easy to cast high cost spells? On the other hand shards still have to be built, so it is limited by city materials or gold. I suppose that using Sparse resources prevents from building shards too fast.
According the XML, Sparse gives 2 shards per sector (there are 42 sectors in a large map), Moderate gives 3 shards per sector and Dense gives 5. So Sparse is a 33% less of shards and dense dobules the number of shards.
Resource Frequency: Sparse
I prefer this, just to parse out crystals, iron, horses, and wargs, I feel these are the key resources and I like the feeling that each separate of them are important, and viable to go to war for.
So I feel that putting resources on sparse gives a much better incentive to "hunt" iron and crystals fiercely.
In this case Moderate is one resource per each 25 tiles, with Sparse making it one per each 50 tiles and Dense one per each 12.5 tiles. Seems very interesting and enjoyable to have limited resource points that really have to be fought for. My question is, can it result in situations where some factions don't have enough resources are have absolutely no chance to survive? Or can it be compensated somehow?
The rest of the settings I usually leave at moderate.
I find it funny to play with "Dense" quests, but feel Altar gets too big an advantage on this (So I only turn it on when I am not playing Altar).
I Also prefer to crank random events to the max, gives a nice change of pace sometimes when random stuff is thrown at you.
But really, most of these options are depending on the player.
I usually play on medium sized maps.
Edit: Edited for clarity and grammar
~ Kongdej