Excellent catches. Specific feedback with fixes included. The devs couldn't ask for better!
Thanks for the kind words!
On a completely unrelated note...
You have created new champions? Give me a link to that file, please! I'd love to look at your work.
I don't have one big file to share as there is actually an individual file for each custom champion. So it's 68 instead of one 
I will upload a few as examples but keep in mind that they were never meant to see the world at large and their background stories are rather minimalistic as a result (all their recruitment texts start with "I thirst for a life of..." which became a sort of inner joke). I've tried to keep the balance and they have the same number of abilities per level as their official counterparts.
Link deleted by poster for irrelevence.
- Brother Garv / Kingdom / Level 1 / Ironeer Male / Abilities: Life1 and Cook
- Flick / Kingdom / Level 1 / Krax & Slave Male / Abilities: Dodge, Underdog & Broken Nose injury - A slave turned champion
- Drakt Plainsrider / Empire / Level 1 / Urxen Male / Abilities: Earth1, Enmity & Strength Level
- Veela / Empire / Level 1 / Quendar Female / Abilities: Air1 & Water1
- Gelinda / Kingdom / Level 3 / Tarthan Female / Abilites: Air1 & Fire 1
- Horrad / Empire / Level 3 / Wraith Male / Abilites: Fire1 & Fire2
- Jurten The Ranger / Kingdom / Level 5 / Tarthan Male / Abilities: Path of the Assassin, Marksman, Precision1, Master Scout & Stealthy
- Triggen The Wise / Empire / Level 5 / Trog Male / Abilities: Path of the Governor, Administrator1, Loremaster1; Trainer1 & Potential1
- Idylla Sunder / Kingdom / Level 7 / Altarian Female / Abilities: Path of the Mage, Air1, Earth1, Earth2, Potential1, Prodigy & Swordsman
- Daymo Shatterbone / Empire / Level 7 / Urxen Male / Abilities: Path of the Warrior, Bruiser1, Bruiser2, Brute, Rage, Strength & Strength Level
Each file should be dropped in the My Documents/My Games/FallenEnchantress/Units folder and the game will spawn the custom champions randomly along with the official ones. Mods need not be enabled for them to load (I still can't believe the incredible customization of this game).
Oops kind of went off topic, oh well.
Oh Hellions! You may have cost me another day of my life. (Heads off to start a champions balance pass)