Folks, I have just uploaded the CONSTRUCT. Now it is waiting for processing so it may take a few days latest before it is downloadable.
But to keep you up to speed, here is the last and final screenie of it. I have really suffered about this one. Not even slept too much. I am just recalling this is based on the fact we have new born home, so we have hard days and nights here. The major honour belongs to my wife as she supported me in the course of doing CONSTRUCT as much as she coulda. Well, after 2 weeks I can sleep more than couple hours. I am hoping that my struggle was worth it and you will enjoy the skin. I really wish that.
RedneckDude, Uvah and WebGizmos - my fellas, sorry again, but I am really not able to make up a psd file. I know I sound like an awkward bit.h, but rally being outta time. If you are okay to work with skin itself, I will send it to you provided you are in. I guess Andy has started up on Cursor FX already. Thank you Andy.
This way I wanna be thanking to all of you who went with me on this jorney. And I apologise if I did not include any of your thoughts, e.g. a sorta weird wires having an organic feel. I felt it was not right in terms of overall perspective. Sorryyyyy again.
And here is the screenie: