I'm resurrecting this thread... mainly because we have a balance patch potentially coming and Seleuceia and EkkoTek's point are relevant.
Sel, very nice simplifications. I agree. It hardly makes sense to move up the tech tree now. Its all tier 0 LF spam, (and maybe corvette spam).
I tend to agree. I'd personally like to see a bump in damage tables to counter the early spam a bit more.
For instance, now that LRF have a true counter their modifier versus medium armor could be moved well above 1.33%.
In fact I'd go so far as to say none of the counter modifiers should be below 1.5 (Excluding ANTIVERYHEAVY, bombers would need some nerfs if their damage modifiers were changed).
DamagePercentBonus:ANTIVERYLIGHT:VeryLight 1.33333 (Flak versus Fighters/Corvettes)
DamagePercentBonus:ANTILIGHT:Light 2.0 (Fighters/Corvette(Side) versus Bombers/LRF/Scout)
DamagePercentBonus:ANTIMEDIUM:Medium 1.33333 (LRF versus LF)
DamagePercentBonus:ANTIHEAVY:Heavy 1.5 (LF versus Carriers/Support/Flak)
DamagePercentBonus:ANTIVERYHEAVY:VeryHeavy 1.0 (Bombers versus Heavy Frigates, shitfire maybe nerf bombers some or reduce this modifier to give Heavies a chance!)
DamagePercentBonus:ANTIMODULE:Module 2.0 (Orkulus/Ogrov/Adjudicator versus Modules/Starbases)
DamagePercentBonus:COMPOSITE:Light 1.5 (Heavy versus LRF/Scout, This is why neutral Heavies chase scouts)
DamagePercentBonus:COMPOSITE:Medium 1.25 (Heavy versus LF)
DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:Light 1.5 (Corvette versus LRF)
Why do you lead with the Radiance, and whats it got that you want?? Cleansing Brilliance? And who is Turtle?
It's got a Marza interrupt which most TEC players lead with now. If the Revelation had a better second ability like regen AM with Guidance it might be a nice lead, I never see a revelation now.
I remember when Sova rushing, or a duel Vulkoras seige cap rush occasionally worked. It was nice to have a little more variety. BTW, I've played with you a few times lately, as Obi 1.
The ability to build so many corvettes early make these openings nearly impossible.