If there's something bad I have to say about the game it's this. Start in a bad location, and you're in for a game where you permanently have your back to the wall. I had a game where Gilden were sending guys in Light Plate with Sledges and although I could handle them, my hands were pretty much tied as to how I could handle them. Then they decide to change tactics, so I have to juggle my units around and adapt, fight some more, basically neither of us gaining any ground.
On the other hand, if you start in a good location and have great luck with low-level quests, and you don't meet another player for quite some time, and you clear out some particularly tricky monster nests, you are in for a life of luxury and woe betide anyone who tries to take it from you.
In that respect, it is a bit like GalCiv 2, a good starting planet and access to habitable planets early on can make a massive difference to your fortunes. And you know, it isn't so bad playing through those crap starts to get to the ones that turn into glorious games that you play for hours and really enjoy.
But sometimes you know, I wish there was an advanced start, get you out of your own personal Midgar and into that big bad world (or galaxy as the case may be) without having to painstakingly place all those cities or set up those colonies. You want to fight the bad guys, but you feel a bit silly doing it with harsh language and wooden spears.