Thanks for the Spellbook. It's a nice resource to have, especially for a newbie trying to get a grasp of all the spells.
> it'd be nice to add spell maintenance cost to enchantments and summons
Totally agree. Mana cost per season is important to know for unit enhancement spells. I would also like to see Cast Time included.
Some other feedback (sorry if these points have already been raised):
* Typo on page 5: Propganda should be Propaganda.
* Description of Shadowbolt reads: "A bolt of night strikes the victim doing 4 (+1 per level) damage and reducing their Spell Resistance by 5." Which level is it referring to? Caster level?
* Description of Blood Sigil reads: "Berserks all defending units and Withers all attacking units." Nowhere in the Spellbook does it say what Beserks means. (I had to look it up in the Hiergamenon.)
* Sacrifice is given the type "Strategic - World". As the target is one of the player's cities, wouldn't it be better described as "Strategic - City Other"?
* Broken Loyalties is given the type "Strategic - Charm". I think it'd be better described as "Strategic - City Other".
* Grip of Winter is given the type "Strategic - Curse". I think it should be "Strategic - City Curse".
* Cloak of Fear is given the type "Strategic - Unit Enhancement". I thought it was a Tactical spell? (I'm not 100% sure as I haven't used it, but the AI has only cast it in tactical battles so far.)
* Dispel Enchantment is given the type "Strategic - City Curse". I think it should be "Strategic - City Other" as it can be used to remove curses.
* Vatula's Dragonslayer. I take it this is just a joke spell? Maybe I'm super gullible, but I thought it would work. I've tried it several times, but it always has no effect. If it's only a joke, can it be removed from the Spellbook and the Hiergamenon? I think the reference materials should be accurate.
And a couple of questions:
* In the Hiergamenon, Mantle of Oceans does not list a mana cost per season. I assume it has one??
* Some spells are listed in the Hiergamenon but not in the Spellbook (such as Beserk). Is this because they cannot be cast by the player, but are only castable by the AI or the effects of consumable items?