Well, like I said, I can do textures and models, although a few more artists on the team would be nice, and I'm rusty with the whole actually-getting-the-models-to-work-in-game-thing. I did make some custom models for my own personal use for the Stargate Invasion mod and got them working in-game.
Here's a list of the tools that I'm proficient to expert in:
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
3DS Max
I am also a writer, and can write produce some background/lore, and can script unit dialog.
Here's some ideas I have for the mod, in no particular order:
1. The Brown Coat Loyalist fleet will be very a-typical. Composed of cheap frigates and anti-titan units, many of its units, while structurally weak, can fire from outside of retaliatory range, and are among the fastest in the game.
Their fleet is very rag-tag, and for fan service, most of their ships will be based on the Firefly design. For instance, I can see their heavy cruiser being two heavily armed Fireflies, one mounted above the other, with a single weld joining the two. Each will sport forward-facing cannons.
I also see them having a ship-type similar to that of the Norlamin in the Maelstrom mod: dedicated miner.
Their "diplomatic" ship should be a floating brothel that is capable of distracting and subsequently neutralizing Alliance frigates.
2. The Reaver Loyalists will be designed to be mobile, much like the Vasari Loyalists.
3. The Brown Coat Collaborators, feeling that the water is becoming a bit hot, have re-pledged their allegiance to the alliance,and have in return been given a spattering of Alliance ships, and a few capital ship designs. A hybrid faction, they are both fast and deadly, as they employ technologies from both sides of the war.
4. Both Alliance factions are capital ship-heavy, and have little use for small frigates.
5. The Alliance are the only race with beam weapon tech
6. The Reaver loyalist Titan is capable of boarding and taking control of entire fleets of enemy vessels.
7. The Reaver Dissidents, having become immune to the effects of the drug that created them, and knowing that they will never be welcomed into civilization, become aggressive about their desire to create a structured society of their own. Armed with the best warships of each faction, they are territorial and deadly.
Of course these are just rough ideas in early form, and its up to the community and/or team that forms to decide what direction the mod should actually take.
The one thing that would be essential is good voice acting. I wouldn't want an audio clip of "I aiiiiim to miiiis-b-have" ala Microsoft Sam playing every time someone builds a light frigate