Is there a buffInstantAction, finishCondition, modifier, etc that you wish was included with Rebellion?
Maybe we can get the devs attention with some reasonable requests as they make updates to the Rebellion engine in the next patches.
Ok, I pulled out ones I'd like to see or I think are feasible to implement...
For example, assuming Strip to the Core remains with the scuttle mechanic. I would like a new buffInstantActionType of Scuttle.
aiUseTargetCondition Requests:
HasBuff - targets only ships that has this buff type
aiUseTargetCondition "HasBuff"
buffType "BuffFooBar"
buffInstantActionType Requests:
Scuttle - Earns scuttle amount if ship or structure, or strip to the core if research requirements met.
ApplyBuffToSquadMembers - Allows abilities placed on a squad to only affect the strikecraft in that squad.
ConvertPlanet: converts a planet to a specified planet type
DoAllegianceChangeToPlanet - Modify to increase or decrease Allegiance percent by the allegianceChange amount. Seems to be affecting allegiance rate currently.
instantActionTriggerType Requests:
Being able to use "OnChance" for instant actions would also be cool.
buffEntityModifierType Requests:
Allegiance - value would support negative and positive increases to Allegiance
targetFilter Requests:
constraint "Frigate" should not target Corvettes
New constraints: IsHomeworld, IsOccupationPlanet, IsPirateBase, NotIsPirateBase, IsBomber, NotIsBomber, isTEC, isPhase, isInsurgentPlayer, isOccupationPlayer, isRaidingPlayer, isNormalPlayer, isMilitiaPlayer
finishConditionType Requests:
AnyOnChanceInstantActionDone - couples with support OnChance in instant actions.
Research modifier Requests:
DisableResearchSubject - Permanently disables a Research Subject from being Researched.
MaxCannonPerPlayerAdjustment -allows you to change superweapon cap
"PlanetOwnerIsPirateWithChance" for variety at pirate base
Keep reading for the wish big items...