I think I know what you mean, though I want different for games.
Remember before the Big Boom and games didn't subscribe so narrowly to genre? Nowadays they're very restricted in terms of their outlook, and with the importance of graphics, their resources can only go so wide.
Basically what I want is a game with as broad a scope as at least a few types. In some phases you're 3rd person shooting, in some phases you're flying a spacecraft, and in some phases you're managing a fleet's broader maneuvers. Stuff like that. I'd really like if games could make a return to that sort of flexibility.
This isn't meant to be a complaint, I just want games to have come up with more "modes" and connectivity between those modes, instead of the now-usual case of single mode and nothing outside.
Imagine a Mass Effect title, in which once you board the Normandy, you pilot it around like in Freelancer, and can board your own capital ship, in which you can conduct fleet maneuvers that really change over the next course of (gametime). Yeah it's cumbersome but I at least want someone to try it, see if they can't make it work.
It's a big reason I still enjoy tabletop RPGs.