With one of the recent release builds of Rebellion, support for map version 3, which did not have the forced moveAreaRadius and hyperspaceExitRadius inserts, was cut. I feel that this lack of support takes much away from making maps.
As version 4 does not allow for the various Random objects to have an moveAreaRadius and hyperspaceExitRadius based off the entity of whatever spawns, taking away an additional form of chance or "randomness". For example, if one puts a WeightedRandom in a map, regardless of spawns, such as an Ice planet or a Dead Asteroid, they will have the same movement area. Plus, nor does it allow, for modders, the ability to put in suns of various sizes with different areas of movement.
Due to these, however futile it may be, I request that either map version 4 has some sort of option to let the moveAreaRadius and hyperspaceExitRadius be left blank or allow for a wildcard symbol (aka. the game loads these values from the planet/star's entity file as in the past), or that map version 3 support be re-added.