Ok, first, this isn't my account that i own the game on, but for the life of me, i can't figure out what my password is for the Impulse account that i have Enchanted on.* I would love to change my password, but first i have to change my e-mail, since I can't access the old one, and i can't change my e-mail without my password. Fun stuff. My account is 'MageVortex'
Anyhow, onto my question.
I purchased the Elemental game. I read many many reviews talking about how bad it was, broken, etc etc. I didn't bother installing it immediately. I got married that year, and had slightly more pressing concerns for a good bit, and there were other games that I own/owned that got great reviews and i highly enjoyed. On top of which i heard that those that got it will get free version of FE a while later. Now, I did NOT know that it has to be registered at some 'much earlier than now' point. This is actually the main reason i bothered to install it at all just recently! However, when i try to get my discounted price....I don't think I am. Unless $40 is heavily discounted...?
So, discounting (ha!) that $40 is likely not the lowered rate people who purchase(d) Elemental get, how does one go about getting said discount? And did i screw myself by not installing the game earlier?