The astute amongst you will notice this shot is a week old or so....but it's still what's there at the moment.....
Call it "cheating" [or lazy]...
That's John Travolta's 707 ... Ex Qantas....now N707JT and titled [as they usually were/are] 'Jett Clipper Ella'.
That's also the North/South runway at Tullamarine [Melbourne Airport - YMML]....and somewhere a wee bit to the right of the 'Nero' icon is my house....
Anyway....the desktop is kinda 'functional' ...without a lot of GUI skinning....I tend to drop out of it as much as I'm in it.....but note also the icon to the left of the Stardock one [SDC - the old ver] in the taskbar is FSX [minimized but active]....and that drops you out of all those aero effects anyway...
So....what's yours?