Yeah... that is right, i am playing with TEC and i notice that my scouts cant disable the mines, it use the ability but dont do nothing. I will test with Advent Scouts, and test if the TEC scout can disable the advent mines.
This error happen when i try disable TEC mines with TEC scout.
PD: Can set the IA NOT USE all capital slots in the begining of the match?, can set IA like diplomacy?, i like fight with a lot of units, but not with a lot of capital ship.
Really please is very annoying, cant play good with my friend, we attack the enemy IA set in CRUEL and it crush us with her 10 capitals and titans.
Corvetts dont do so much damage to capital, you must construc heavy crusiers, but when you have it, the IA have 8 capital ship, you spend a lot of credits for nothing.
PD2: TEC annoying..... it construc so much akkans and use armitice all times..... cant fight, my fleet vs her fleet and only use armistice and the war never begins.