I wanted to provide one quick example, myself, of a new element (a Magic Item) that both surprised me, and really added some NEW fun to FE! (BTW, Full Disclosure: I have mentioned this previously, in another thread.) On an early quest, in my first game with v0.90, I was able to secure a new Magic Item called: Restoration Potion . To my surprise, this item was described as immediately restoring up to 100 points of hit points to an injured champion, or sovereign, AND being able to "remove all injuries champions have from escaping combat".
Like a lot of players, I had often seen a champion (or my sovereign!) who had acquired one, or several, debilitating injuries, as a result of losing combat actions. With enough damage, such a champion could become almost useless. But with this potion, PRESTO(!), problem solved! Of course, this is a random event; and therefore not a guaranteed solution, to the vexing problem of gradually having an important champion rendered worthless. But some chance (of finding such a Potion) is better than no chance! And since it could be kept until needed to repair MULTIPLE injuries, in one champion; it really was a great find! Incidently, the quest that provided it was an early, surprisingly easy one; so I had more latitude (early in the game) to use my sovereign, to fight some really serious battles, that I might otherwise not have engaged ...
Nice Feature ... Major Fun(!) ... what other things/features/aspects are you really liking in the Beta 3 ?