Seems like a cool alternative. but 2/4 passives on a titan doesnt make me want to play with it..
I would personally change it like this:
- have the ult prevent the titan from dropping below 1hp(not sure if it does this already orz)
- reduce the duration
- nulify its passive shield regeneration and limit purification to health only (its shields being restored by others is still allowed, this is advent afterall)
- increase its armor(double it maybe?)
- force it to heal itself to 50% of its maximum heatlh in that time period in order to stay alive.
If it succeeds:
- all its antimatter is removed
- all it stacks of Strenght of the Fallen are reset(disabling this during the skill itself an option too)
- its shields are fully restored
- maybe a (small) debuff aswell?
If it fails
- ded.
This would give it a shot to stay alive while not making it totally invurenerable, and turn the battle in to a DPS race for a duration. It would also make it a more valid option rather then a "plan to fail" skill.
Ofcourse, the cooldown should be huge, using it twice in one battle isnt supposed to happen. Ever. I was thinking 20-30minutes, you can drop it by 50% (or 33% if i understand the way %s work in this game correctly) via speccing it, and a capital(the Revelation has it) ship buff.
Something (gimicky) like this might fit better in a game like league of legends, but i thought it was a nice idea and felt like sharing
(longer post then i planned, sorry)