So, was playing some more Sins LAN games this weekend as Advent Loyalist. We've been playing with multiple victory conditions enabled. So far the only one we hadn't used was the capital victory. So I decided that was going to be my focus this game. It then occurred to me that the Advent Loyalist Titan at Level 6 gets the ability to instantly take over planets. So, I had it go eat pirates and rebel frigates until it hit Level 6 and then made a beeline for the enemy capital. Enter the system, click the button, instant victory. IMO, that's a bit broken since a Level 6 titan can take a decent enough beating to fly quite a ways through enemy space. It might be worth considering a flag that would prevent the ability from being used on Capital/Occupation planets when playing with those victory conditions.
The last two games we decided to try for a research victory. I assumed Advent would have an edge here due to their faster research speed but I didn't realize it was the full 33%. That's once again a huge advantage for the Advent. They can wait until a TEC player hits 20-25% of the Research Victory to start and still beat the TEC player to it.