This is a silly match-up...garda flak, carrier caps, and 2nd capital ship choices have been completely ignored...additionally, rushing military labs is a risky strategy unless you are a frontliner...being able to hold off on getting ice/volcanic colonization techs is generally not a luxury most map starts will grant...
And I really don't see where players are going to need to rush military labs first, but have the luxury to spam trade ports early on...
You can build 30 - 50 scouts with 2 frigate factories and laugh at lrm rushes. You might be able to tear the disciples up but its unlikely you will win if there's swarms of seekers around.
There is one disadvantage of seekers that is often overlooked..scout ships actually are really bad in attrition battles because of their construction time...while they are cheap, they are more difficult to replace time-wise...if time, and not resources, is your constraint, then scout ships are more difficult to hold the line with...