Please join me in wishing a Happy Birthday to sViz. She is a WinCustomize Master, and deservedly so for her contributions to DesktopX and DX skinners, always helping out those who need it.
Have a good one, Eve.
happy bday Eve!!!! our little codex queen!!!
Happy Birthday, Eve!
4 Real. Have a happy one !!!
Happy birthday, sViz!
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday sViz
Happy Birthday!!!!
Have a wonderful birthday sVis.
I hope you have a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday Have a wonderful day...
Dang it! I meant to post this, well, thanks John!
Happy Birthday Eve!!! I think you're the cat's meow!!!
Happy Birthday, have a great day!
Happy Birthday Eve!!
Happy Birthday!! Thanks for doing so much for us.
Happy birthday, Eve ....
Hey, thanks for this, John. And thank you everyone for the well wishes! Karma and chocolate cake for all!
Quoting RedneckDude, reply 10Dang it! I meant to post this, well, thanks John! Happy Birthday Eve!!! I think you're the cat's meow!!!
I'm afraid that this is your second infraction, Jim. One more, and we'll have to remove your birthday greeting license.
Happy Birthday Eve!!!
Best wishes for the day!
Have a lovely day....
Happy birthday day Girlie!
Happy B-day!
Thanks everyone.
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