I'm happy for the plot line to wrap up as well - drawn out a smidge too long on the search. I was just talking about the differences between the comic book and the series. Looks like Sophia is alive in the comic still.
Not sure why you feel a need to hold off on reading the comics though - so many differences... I suppose I get can them confused a bit reading/watching at the same time, though.
Love how they are developing Shane in the series though. I wonder if they end up with a showdown between him and Rick before this season ends. They might drag that one out though...
I'm guessing they'll have to move on from the farm after Shane cleared it out. Regarding Sophia coming out at the very end.... I don't know - sure, it was a good dramatic point to end the episode on, but c'mon. Hershel knew they were looking for a little girl. Hershall wanted them gone. The little girl either was a complete idiot, decided to hide in the barn and somehow got bit there (instead of going to the house with all the people...) or Hershel found her and put her there or one of his people. And you'd think it would be passing conversation at some point with Hershel that they found a zombie girl today and stuck her in the barn - doesn't sound like that happens every day, so they'd talk. Hershel might magically put it together that they found the girl instead of offerering them safe harbor until they found the girl. So, if Hershel knew, then he didn't say anything because he didn't want them to find the barn (they are pulling out maps and searching everywhere for like weeks... god knows they'd never look at the barn. Anyway, apparently we are to believe what then... bleh. I think it was kind of a cheap way to end the show at a dramatic point. Not entirely how the little kid would end up in the barn without someone knowing... if she was alive when she got there, she couldn't get in the front... so she'd had to go in the top like Glen... only then she'd probably hear the moaning zombies, eh. Anyway, dramatic, but really weak writing imo.