You cannot have Jesus without God and the only acceptable Christian God would have to be the God of the OT. Yahweh ((YHWH) modernly translated Jehovah) which is the covenant name of God and occurs 6,823 times in the OT. How can anyone who believes in the “Son of God” not believe in his ‘Dad’?
Yahoo! We agree. (Big smile on my face!).
There is but one true Holy God. The God of the OT is the same God of the NT. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is worshipped by Jews and Christians.
Are the OT tales good and bad, somehow now not true or relevant anymore because the RCC closed that chapter in our history for us?
The Old Testament is true today. It is Almighty God, not the CC who closed that chapter as you put it!
Upon reading the OT, we see God established a very specific religion called Hebraic Judaism.God's chruch was and always will be an organic, priestly, sacrificail spiritual society based upon Divine principles, practices and promises. that describes Hebraic Judaism then and Catholicism present. Such was the Jewish Church then when it had a priesthood, the high priest being supreme in authority as is the Catholic Church present as is Pope Benedict XVI, the 265th successor of St.Peter whom Christ Himself appointed as first head of His Church.
The function of Hebraic Judaism priesthood was to offer Mosaic commanded sacrifices for the glory of God and the spiritual well being of the children of Israel. It did its job and completed its mission. The ending of Old Testament Hebraic Judaism was providential. It had indeed fulfilled its glorious mission. That mission ended with the coming of the predicted Messias. It was God Himself, in the Person of Jesus, the Christ, who in fulfillment of His messianic mission instituted a more perfect organic,authoritative, priestly, sacrificial universal Church, the CC.
God told us that Hebraic Judaism had fulfilled its mission when at the moment of Christ's death, the Temple veil was rent in two from top to bottom. By 70AD, the Temple was completely destroyed. No more OT sacrifices, Altar,
As I have said now the OT Hebraic Judaic faith no longer exists, or rather it has blossomed forth into "the new covenant made with the house of Judah" as predicted by Jeremias 31:31.
So while the books of the OT remain the Word of God, inspired by God, as are the books in the NT, Hebraic Judaism as set forth there is non-existent. It has been non-existent ever since the Jews have been without priests, altar, sacrifices, ephod or terephim.
Long answer but you asked so I told ya. It was God not the CC that closed that chapter.
Isn’t that the same as saying the original God is irrelevant? What does that say about the new one?
Hope my response aboove helped answer this.
Did God retire or just delegate His authority to the RCC? I
God never retires. He's His Majesty, Our Lord God afterall. Jesus Christ is our King ruling in Heaven over His kingdom here below.
Scripture and Tradition teach that before Christ ascended into Heaven He gave the Apostles His authority to preach and teach to all nations until the end of the world as well as the authority to forgive sins and to bind and loose.