Though I'm known here on Wincustomize as the 'friendly Evil Wizop' and an avid hater of most of the containt of the Wallpaper gallery, a little know fact is that in real-life(tm) I'm a hopeless romantic.
23 years ago, April 13th 1989 12:15, I was 'ambushed' by my current ex-wife and/but still best friend. We had 16 gloriest years living together, but 6 years ago we split up, mainly due my PC- and skinning-addiction. Every day since I have kicked myself for letting this happen, and not having had the sence seeing my 'issues' that lead to this breakup.
Now, 6 years later, we're both single again after several failed relationships, and have spent a heck of alot of time together (on a friendship basis) the past few weeks, but I'll be the first to admit that I'm head over heels in love with her again - if not even more than ever.
Yesterday I just couldn't hold back the flood of emotions any more, and asked her what her thoughs were about us getting back together again - if there even were a chance at all.
Let's just say that her responce was positive. 
I am confident that we'll figure things out, and am hopefull that we actually will get back together again, but am not over confident at the same time.
We're going to be spending the day today together again, with our two sons, Johnny and Kenneth, and just to say a lill' 'thank you', for opening the door to a possible happy ending, I went out a bought her a couple of the her favorite flowers.

Stay safe, my fellow Wincustomizers, and keep on skinning but don't ever let it interferr with your family-time!
Your friendly (and just for today) less Evil Wizop.