WIP Cfx, My second one.
Not too shabby
Has an element of theAVMan's style there. Looks good neone6.
I can't translate this. I'm on another computer that's very slow, has no memory worth talking about, runs XP and is slower than molasses. Plus it has no graphics to play with besides MSpaint. I can't do diddly with this thing.
looks good Andrew, interested in seeing the rest of it.
I will play with that!!!
By the way...I really liked your latest Greg
well, you know what i think of this cursor min rockafella.....
wait a minute....What.....?
Thats old news skinhit, well maybe not the moving part.
yes Jack im moving to sweden next week to be with my awsome guy......Andy
OK...maybe Im a bit behind...So kitty you are leaving Wolfin' to move across the world to be with someone you have known a month or two on-line? right?
yup, me and wolfee finshed ages ago.
I always recommend moving to Scandinavia (I prefer Norway ) You'll have to change your name to Trude, though
Fantastisk cursor, Andrew
wow! Okay! good luck to both of you
That is a way cool cursor, huh? It is broken!!
You may be right. It doesn't appear to be moving.
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