OK - Just downloaded the update and tried it out. First, here's what I noticed.
I got to the multiplayer login screen. I noticed that my password (it was pre-filled because I always use remember username/password) was appearing with substantially more characters than I my actual password (for instance, let's say my pw was bob123. That should appear as ******. Instead, I saw *****************************). So, i unclicked the remember username and password and entered my info from scratch and checked the remember username and password. I logged in without issue. After that, I logged out and went back to the MP login screen. Again, my password was substantially more characters (this is because Stardock has started encrypting passwords). I just clicked ok and I was logged in.
So, at least for me, the process was pretty seamless and without problem, but that certainly doesn't mean that there aren't any issues. I'm also not aware of any super recent bans, so I'd think that if you can't log in, its probably a sign of an issue.
So, here are the only troubleshooting suggestions I can offer:
- Apply the update via impulse
- Launch Demigod
- Get to the login screen and uncheck the remember username/password
- Enter all of your info
- Recheck remember username/password (optional)
- Log in
If that fails, then:
- Wait 10-15 minutes and repeat steps 2-6
If that fails, then (I'm betting this next step might sort alot of people, but who knows):
- Try to reset your password to something else via the forums.
- Repeat steps 2-6 above
If that fails, then (this step doesn't work, so I'm crossing it out):
- Try deleting your game.prefs file (located here in windows 7 anyway: C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Demigod)
- Repeat steps 2-6 above
And if that fails, shoot an email to support@stardock.com and explain that you just updated to the latest version of Demigod and you can no longer log in. If you experienced anything other than just not being able to log in, or any other weirdness, be sure to report that as well. And be sure to provide them with your username.
Hope that helps some of you out that are having problems!