*******Please delete the old version of this mod before installing the new version to get the latest changes. *****
Download: https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/elemental_war_of_magic/17/download
Note: Updated to the latest version from the community. (MG_Beta_A2.zip)
I will not be actively maintaining this mod anymore, as I have no time at the moment. I look forward to moving to FE modding later this summer if time permits. If anyone wants to continue this mod, please feel free to do so.
Note: delete any of the following MG - [Cantrips, Master Agrippa's Tome, Sovereign Talents, Spell Fixes] from this mod to get rid of a part you don't like
Acknowledgements & Thanks
Modding is always a community driven effort. I would only make this for myself if nobody showed any interest in it, but there have been a lot of downloads and I've had several people share ideas, time and resources to help. I'd like to thank everyone who has contributed or used this mod.
Contributers to the mod: (graphics, ideas, testing, etc.):
M. Agrippa
General inspiration and modding help:
Additional Credits:
art used with permission by konekokasumi from deviantart.
Note: - If you would like the Shilleagh and the Dagger of Death to have abilities similiar to kenata's upgraded weapons mod check out this submod created by M. Agrippa: https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/elemental_war_of_magic/27/
Adds additional spells to various spell books.
====================Cantrips (level 0)=========================
Combat Book:
Level 0: Arcane Missile - Does Int/10 + 4 in damage (Tactical)
Enchantment Book:
Level 0: Gift of Fortune - This enchantment causes a small altar to appear with a random 'gift' from the gods of Fortune.
Terraforming Book:
Level 0: Clear Land - Removes all obstructions from a tile (ie forest), leaving an open tile behind. Cannot be used on resources, goodie huts, or quest locations. (Cannot be used when a unit is on the tile...I'm working on determining if their is a way around this)
Mobility Book:
Level 0: Leap - The channeler focuses for a moment before leaping into the air supported by a sudden burst of wind. +3 movement + 1 per Air Shard (Increases the movement total the round in which it is cast, but you can't use the movement until the next round - trying to determine how to fix this).
Level 1: Blink - One of the most used spells makes a comeback; this time with some limits. Range of 5, Mana cost of 16, Intelligence Req of 20, and 20 turn cooldown.
Life Book:
Level 0: Shillelagh of Life - Give the caster a Holy staff that gives an additional 4 HP to its bearer.
Level 0: Guardian of the weak - Creates an immobile Guardian in a friendly city that can provide early defense.
Death Book:
Level 0: Blade of Death - Give the caster a dagger that unlocks the backstab ability in combat.
Level 0: Destroyer of the weak - Creates an immobile Guardian in a friendly city that can provide early defense.
=================== Master Agrippa's Tome (level 2) - Battlefield spells========================
Fire Book
Level 2: Flame Burst - Damages a unit (scales with fire shards) and knocks them back 2 tiles Blocks the tile for 2 turns as the magical fire burns out of control. (Tactical)
Water Book:
Level 2: Freezing Rain - Frozen Rain falls in sheets out of the sky, coating everything in a layer of treacherous ice. Unit loses a turn, Accuracy -50%, Combat speed -3, Dodge -3 (-1/extra per water shard)
Earth Book:
Level 2: Grasping Vines - Deals damage to a unit (scales with # of Earth Shards) as well as holding them for 2 turns.
Air Book:
Level 2: Howling Wind: Decreases combat effectiveness (accuracy -33% and attack - scales with air shards) of enemy units.
Version history:
v0.01 - Initial release. Adds 3 spells that are immediately available if you have the appropriate spell book.
v0.20 -
- Added Gift of Fortune as the enchantment level 0 spell.
v0.21 -
- Added the new tile from M. Agrippa for the Altar for the fortune spell. Really looks great in game!!
- Adjusted the likelihood to receive different rewards from the fortune altar, should get a bit more variety now.
v0.30 -
- Added new spells from Master Agrippa's Tome. Battlefield spells tied to each of the elemental shards.
- Adjusted the Guardian spells to be caster by only high int casters (sovereign), and changed the cooldown to 200 turns, removed the mana upkeep, and changed the initial mana cost to 20
- Adjusted the arcane missile spell to scale with Int/10 + 4 damage instead of 33% of Intelligence to keep it in line with other spell's progressions. Cost of 5 mana
- Updated the Gift of Fortune to give a wider variety of results. Increased the rewards, mana cost, intelligence requirement, and cooldown.
- Updated the graphics & model textures for the summoned weapons.
- Other tweaks and updates.
- Added a few sovereign talents to allow you to start with a specific shard next to you
- Added a few soveriegn talents to allow you to start with mana of a specific type even without a shard.
- Added a sovereign history, shard collector, which gives you +1 mana/turn.
v0.31 -
- Added oddrheia's graphics for spell icons and paintings.
- Fixed the guardian spells so that they actually do reflect the description in v0.30.
- Shortened some of the spell descriptions so the text isn't so small.
- Compatible with new beta (AI tags)
- Blink added to the mobility spellbook
- Guardian spells changed back to taking 10 mana to cast and using 1 mana a turn to maintain (actually can dispel them now).
- New effects added to the grasping vines spell
More spells to come. Feel free to make requests
Help needed with: making new particle effects, spell icons, spell paintings, ideas, balancing.