No, not really. A dog will probably beat a cat IF it catches it first, but dogs suck because:
1. They bark all the time unless you train them really hard ever since they were puppies, and still, sometimes you cant even train them not to bark so much. Its just not possible on some dog races.
2. They crap anyplace they want, and you have to take them for a walk in the park or something, and make sure they dont take a dump on a bench or something. Be careful not to step on them.
3. Most dogs need too much attention and caring in order to be happy, often requiring you to have them live inside your house, unless you are one of these heartless people who puts a chain on their dog, have them live in a doghouse at their back yard, and lets them out only once per day. Dogs are not robots you know.
4. Since you are probably gonna have your dog living in your house, you will have to put up with hair on your couch (sometimes even your mouth), your dog breaking vases and other things sometimes, and on certain occasions the "OMGWTF take this thing off of me!!!" effect when a friend or relative comes to visit.
5. Other things like the dog humping your grandmas leg or trying to hump a tree, taking your steak of your plate while you're eating, attacking random people on the street while you're taking it out for a walk, chasing off or even kill a poor cat, are all depending on the race of the dog, and the training its got, so these things can be considered avoidable.
Overall, cats are much better than dogs as domestic animals, because they require so little from you, while dogs need much more affection and caring, and thats why I (primarily) choose cats over dogs.
1. You dont need to have a cat living at your house. You can just leave it free, and it will come to your house whenever it wants food or company. But if you really care for your cat, it will spend most time at your porch/back yard, realizing that dis gud houman carez foor mi! After all, cats are really free animals, and prefer living on the streets, unless you have them since they're kitties.
2. Start feeding a wild cat, and eventually, its gonna be yours before you know it. People think cats are not as friendly as dogs, because they arent bothered to spend too much time "getting to know them".
3. Cats are like: "I iz kewt!
" While dogs are like "RAWWRRRRR
Shall I kill you now, or save you for dinner?"
4. Cats dont litter so much, because they poop on soil, and then they bury their feces.
5. They wont attack you in any way, unless you consider some mild scratches an "attack", but even then, you have to really piss off your cat to force it to scratch you. Anyway, try taking a good bite from a big dog, and have a cat scratch you, and then let me know which one you prefer. Just FYI, have been quite a few dogs that have killed people, while I have never heard of a cat killing a human being. Ever.
6. Cats are quiet. REALLY quiet. They dont bark, or make noises, they dont wake you up at night, and generally they are really discrete comparing to dogs. IF you mind a few Meaw's, then go get a fish or something, lol.
7. Your cat taking care of mice problems in or out of your house is useful, you just have to make sure you dont feed them for a period of time, in order to eat some tasty mice. "One mouse with extra sauce to go, please!" "That will be $3.99, thank you"
Lastly, the Dogs vs Cats debate has being going on ever since humans started having animals close to them as domestic pets, and will probably go on for a very long time, because there are so many people who prefer dogs over cats, and vice-versa.
Basically, what I said before:
Dogs suck. Cats rule 
"My Pokemans. Let me show you them"