@morph- Oatesy actually *did* say that ironsights/SUSAT/ACOG doesn't magically change the difference in effective range.
Fair enough.
But Morph, as Whiskey said, if you were to take, say, an L115A3 sniper rifle, which is stated by MOD to have an effective range of 1100m plus, (source here: http://www.mod.uk/defenceinternet/factsheets/l96sniperrifleandl115a3longrangerifle.htm ), do you reckon that that is counting using the scope, or would you take that shot with no magnification?
Well, I dont know as I havent actually tested the weapon's effective range, lol 
But normally, it should list the weapon's practical/physical effective range. Like I said earlier in my post, a scope doesnt change anything in the weapon itself, except maybe make it a little heavier (not much of a difference).
So basically, taking any kind of weapon (handgun, assault rifle, sniper rifle, etc), and placing it on a steady base, to reduce recoil to nearly 0, adjusting it to shoot a target at a designated X meters, with the target and the weapon being leveled, you can find out the weapon's effective range, which btw, isnt absolute (X meters - Y meters).
If the bullet drop is too great, then the weapon is out of its effective range.
If the weapon's user is limited by the inaccuracy of the iron sights, and a scope helps them aim more accurately, then that is up to the user, and not the weapon.
A weapon's effective range is relevant to the physical limitations of the actual weapon, not the limitations of its user. You can be deadeye accurate with any weapon, but if the weapon you're using is out of its effective range, then a little volley shot and calculating where the bullet will drop might help you, although the weapon is technically out of its effective range by then.
Read the Table of Fire. Note that at 100 yards, the M1911 with the .45 ACP rounds has a bullet drop of 28 inches, which is too much. The weapon is out of its effective range, because the bullet drop is too great.
I dont have time to find something similar for an automatic rifle or anything, atm, but the same principle applies to all firearms.
You can expect similar results for an L115A3 sniper rifle, just with a lot greater range than the Colt 45 (of course, lol). After a certain X range, the bullet drop will start being too great, and that means the weapon is out of its effective range.
"We were inhuman beings....butchers on a field of corpses....corrupt and depraved....only a sum of viscera, blood, and bone - Creatures without soul."