The dynasty list gets buggy after the great great grandchildren are born, sometimes sooner. The game isn't hard if you focus on buffing your sovereign through questing (essence potions/manuals/books) I at one time had a lvl 13 sovereign with 700 attack and 400 defense, it coul take down any dragon without breaking a sweat.
About crashes, yet they are highly annoying especially when jumping from workshop (map creation) to new game. I, like you love the game more-so than I loved Civ III and Civ IV, but it ties with Disciples II. 
I wish ship building had more than just transports.. and caravans could have attack (why make an elite caravan then?!) I am also annoyed that the Spell of Making and The Forge of the Overlord don't do anything when only conquest is enabled.
As for recruitment, I mostly play on my own custom maps, and thus add NPCs to my maps. The game has soooo much potential and it kinda makes me sad that more thought wasn't put into it before release. I had a sense of sadness that comes from walking around Two Worlds I and realizing how great a game it could have been. I will still play it, but the damage to games reputation among gamers is already done.
Another thing is elementium is supposed to be a rare metal, yet legendary gear was nerfed in favor of Master Armor. Also, a claymore has more punch than the 12000 gildar sword (forget the name). Also, if you place the Kings Messenger quest on the map you have a leg up on your attack rating since that sword is equivalent to a claymore. WEIRD.
The extra Archers and Great Dukes you can delete by designing your units. Although you can't delete peasants for some weird reason, and if you upgrade them, the original peasant is still there.. :/