Quoting db0, reply 10
Do we still have to be a different gender, or is that optional?
As a matter of fact, that is a very good idea. Why don't we have homosexual sovereigns?
You guys missed that discussion and rage. Go mod it
Ah the old "A Wizard did it" excuse.
"Wait a second I was away for 5 years why do we have 3 children now?"
"Ummm Magic?"
"Ah okay then"
Mean while tutorial guy is hiding in the broom closet.
lol, I REALLY hate Janusk now.
I don't like the whole "wizard did it excuse". I do think that the character should be within 1-2 tiles for them to be able to make children. Hell, a couple of my sovereigns don't really even use magic.
As you see, there is a chance that children will grow up to become a hero. Dev's is this still accurate?
YOUR children ALWAYS grow up into a hero once they reach the proper age. idk about other kingdom's heroes through marriages though. And your children can be any assortment of heroes, good or bad.
It felt oddly heart breaking to have to kill two of my own Granddaughters since they joined the otherside in one game, I was nice and made it quick, just a large explosion and they were gone.
That was an awkward talk with my son to say the least.