Hi, I just purchased Object Desktop last night after having used some of the trial versions of various programs and really liking what was offered, but now I am having all kinds of problems. I emailed sales@stardock.com as instructed, but I only got automated responses, which didn't help (I assume they are closed over the weekend, but I am not sure if I will get an actual response even when Monday rolls around).
First of all, when I went in to purchase the product, it asked for my email address. For some reason, when I put in my gmail address, the "Next" button would just clear all the data, and I couldn't continue to the next screen. I ended up having to use my hotmail email address to move on to the next stage for some reason; not a huge problem, but kind of weird. The real problem happened when I downloaded Impulse and it asked me if I wanted to create a new account, or if I already had an existing one. I tried making a new account using the hotmail email address I used when I purchased the product, but it said the email address was already in use, so I ended up having to select "Login with Existing Account" using my hotmail email address. As a result, I was unable to create an account to log onto this site that is recognized as having purchased anything. I went back in later and created an account with my gmail email (for some reason it worked when I wasn't trying to purchase anything), but now this WinCustomize profile (Japan1984) is unable to downloaded unlimited files as it said I would be able to. I have actually already maxed out my downloads by getting a bunch of backgrounds for DeskScape. This is the first problem.
Next, even though I have purchased Object Desktop, my DeskScapes and other programs still say "Trial Version," and bother me to purchase them. I opened Impulse and tried clicking on the "Register Product" button while selecting DeskScapes 3, WindowBlinds, etc... but when I copied the serial number provided to me in Impulse, it gave me the following error message:
The serial number you have entered is not recognized by Impulse.
Only serial numbers provided by Stardock will be accepted.
Please check your selected product, email address and serial number, then try again. (ref: 2)
Lastly, this isn't so much a problem as it is simply a question, is CursorFX not included in the Object Desktop purchase? It is listed in impulse under "My Software," but instead of being listed as "Object Desktop" in the category column, it is shown as "Desktop Extras." The status reads "Update Available," but when I try to update it, I get the following message:
You have not yet entered registration information for this product. Registering the product is required to download updates.
Would you like to edit your registration now?
Yes No
If anyone could offer some help I would really appreciate it. $50 is a lot for me right now, and I don't want to regret having purchased what really seems to be a wonderful bundle of software. Thanks in advance for your help!!