OK i have to say this idea is great and has tons of potential, I am a long time eve addict i played eve to much for 5+ years and i know this game inside and out.I do have to say EVE Online is the greatest space game ever made,but also the most consuming and life destroying game. Ive just started toying around with your release and i like what you have done i wanted to add some feedback. I know things are just starting and from what i have seen looks very good.
Just to throw out credentials for eve players, I had 3 accounts and had a full industrial character capable of flying freighters, rorquals and orcas and all mining ships with max skills. My other two were combat one was pure caldari capable of flying all caldari ships up to titan but i primarily lived in my 2 favorite ships the Raven and the falcon. My main was Amarr first and foremost servant of Her lady of Sarum. I flew all amarr ships to titan, All gallente ships to dread, and all slave/minmatar ships to battleship every character was full t2.
i guess i will start with the basic question how do you plan to field the full gammet of ships? What ships will you opt out with I.e. tech 2 ships vs tech 1 and i would think tech 3 is last on the choice lineup due to its changability?
Also i love the pics ive seen in some of the posts one of my very favorite ships the Armageddon i won many a pvp battle in that had hundred of kills under my belt with one of those ships among many others.
As for the ships ive seen so far a question about the moa why does it and the scout ship, i assume you will make t1 version upgrade through research seems a good option. Going from Heron which you use as a scout maybe upgrading it to a Buzzard. Giving it a cloaking ability. Also how do you plan to handle the interceptor role will that be more what you run in place of fighters?
I assume star bases will be like Pos's for those who dont know eve its a Player Owned Station = POS was the common player built station which was anchored to moons around planets were used as protection for capital ships in low secutiry space or often used as building centers for production of all kind aswel as mining of moon gases. But i digress.
Also i notice under research for caldari you have spent time to place some modules related to lazers. Caldari were primarly railguns and blasters for any weapon types crossing with gallente, But were primarly focused on missles. Also do you plan to make all the caldari ships more shield intensive? I can see that there is tons to do with research. There infact should be so much for research and abilities that your overflowing with options beyond sins capabilities.
I also would consider how to deal with a major aspect of eve and Gallente ships Drones. Now this could possibly be done as fighters although the fighters dont act like drones and when comes time to create carriers and motherships you will run into issues with the fighters vs drones. Although one saving grace is how fighters and drones are infact the same thing in eve just differ in scale.
Also i want to inquire as how you will address battlships t1 and t2 and specialty ships like Black ops and so on?
There are sadly in sins limits to how many ships you can place per race. So many of eves best ships will have to be left out. The hard choices like the vulture over the nighthawk or the cerberus over the Eagle. Then there are the specialty ships like the Gila so on. Its an intresting mod but sad that you cant throw it all into the game.
There is alot of work to be done and so much cut out for you maybe when your all done with the caldari/gallente Amarr/minmatar races you might for fun wanna go out with a bang and throw in the jove. That would tickle alot of peoples fancy and there is certainly enough pics of jove ships to make something up 
I have to say just keep at it your attempting to tackle a huge mountain with this mod but i will back you 100% and play this mod for sure. If you need any counseling or info i was exceptional at fitting ships and know all the ships inside and out for every race. Ive led 2 allaicnes fought many conquered a few., fought thousands of battles and lost very little.
Sigh now im having ever memories, my vagabond or my rapier, but so hard to choose my geddon my ishtar, or my pilgrim. recons were the best