Sounds very nice, although it can be as many gigs as you want it to be if i can play with yummy eve ships. 
edit: just tested it out and i gotta say that the ships sure look sweet, i also liked the background and the music/sounds you had added. You plan on putting in new structures aswell? i only played eve a little a long time ago. so cant really remember if it had alot of various structures lying around. Are there any models for starbases, orbital defences, shipyards etc? I hope you plan on staying somewhat true to the ships abbilities in EVE, and not just drop them over the old abbilities. So many totally unrealistic abbilities in standard sins imo (like the marzas missile swarm
Oh yeah over to a totally different thing, ive always wondered why only cap ships can level up, why not normal ships aswell? not saying they would need abbilities, just an added benefit in hull, shield,attack. Would be like veterancy in other games, always missed that in sins. Maybe it would take way too much machine power?