Thanks very much ZombieRus! I'm just glad to help! Unfortunately i have a massive lack of reliability, so i don't often offer to help produce things, to avoid letting people down. However, I'm happy to learn how to code sins if you can't find anyone else willing to help, I'm pretty competent at programming languages so it would take me(as a total guesstimate) about a week to learn enough to start working on a mod. Summer holidays at uni are VERY long and dull if you haven't got money or a job!
@eternalrequiem what's a Zerg? I'm not a starcraft fan oh no 
Seriously though, my brain is basically bits of everything i've read and seen, so virtually everything I come up with will be from somewhere! My mental image for the plague race when i first read the fluff was basically reavers(from firefly) but everything tinted green and brown instead of red and gunmetal! The ones in charge were basically the dark brotherhood! (from elder scrolls) 
Also, the ship models look awesome!