I caught facing the nation (probably one of the few people in the known world that watches that) while I was working out. This is what caught my attention. Here is the transcript, http://www.cbsnews.com/htdocs/pdf/FTN_052310.pdf?tag=contentMain;contentBody ,if you care to look and make sure that I'm not making this up. First when asked:
BOB SCHIEFFER: Do you-- do you think this could be your administration's Katrina?
ROBERT GIBBS: Well, I-- I think if you look back at what happened in Katrina, the government
wasn't there to respond to what was happening. That quite frankly was the problem; even
tracking a hurricane for days and knowing fairly precisely where it was going to hit.
I think the difference in this case is we were there immediately. We have been there ever since.
Katrina and this oil flow are both different. The one was A NATURAL DISASTER and the other was a MAN MADE disaster. The one HIT SEVERAL states and the OTHER IS OFF SHORE.
Yes, they are BOTH disasters and will COST citizens a lot of money. Now that's were the differences end. The federal government could not do much during Katrina because their hands were binded by laws. Also there was warning with the hurricane (even though many think Bush caused Katrina. One needs to remember that GW Bush can't keep a secret and he's a terrible liar. SO if he did cause we would have know <----that all is a joke) so the federal government was able to extend support before it even hit yet it WAS THE STATES resposibility to take.
Can we see, that there are very little differences between the two.
Of course this is going to be another reason to ante up the bid on gas, so its good to see someone's agenda is being met. Just seat back folks, because that's what this administration is going to do.
ROBERT GIBBS: Well, we have to make sure that BP, as the responsible party, is doing
everything humanly possible to cap this leak. And I will tell this to-- to Rand Paul and anybody
else that's listening: laws that were passed after the Exxon Valdez ensured that the taxpayers
don’t get a bill for this. BP will pay for every bit of this. But you know what, we've got to figure
out and make sure that the relationship that it's had in government with oil companies is not a
cozy relationship, as the President said. We have to regulate this industry. We have to make
sure that there are safety standards are-- are up to the very latest and highest standards when--
whenever they do something like this, drilling in such a precious ecosystem as the Gulf of
Yep, I'm sure we not going to fork a dime over (I have every one of my dimes shined and ready because I know....). I don't think Gibbs read his history on the after affects of Valdez and what happened.
I know the greenies are having a field day with this. Don't get me wrong, I think we should limit and eventually stop our oil use (I still think we should begin to produce Nuclear Power Plants. If we didn't stop making them after 3 mile happened, at the rate we were making them back then we could been just about in par with kyoto protocol). Heck, I've been looking at the Nissan Leaf ever since I heard about it a year and half ago (and that's for a different blog, if you know any problems with it let me know). It makes you wonder why NO American car industry is in the fore front with alternative fuel.