A small, simple mod designed for “Diplomacy” expansion.
The mod adds 3 new capital ships to the game that are accessed through diplomatic research, 1 for each race. Each ship has 2 new abilities.
The aim of the mod is to just add to Sins a little without taking away the Sins aspects that make it a great game.
CapitalShips added;

New abilities added;

Research added;

Screen shot;

Known issues;
This mod doesn't work with "Distant Stars", "Stars" - unfortunately.
Unknown issues;
I don't know yet. All I know is that it definitely works on my computer, which is about 4 years old. I have only been modding for about a year and this is the first mod I have ever released.
Hopefully some one may enjoy it;, Hidden Agenda's
Change Log;
- Fixed starbase constructors, anti module frigates & Vasari Mine layer MainViewIcons.
- Fixed typo on Deploy Antimodule turret.
- Telekinetic Push Plus re-named and buffed to show push effect on frigates better. Also fixed Auto cast so it only fires in battle, range reduced Level:1 from 5200 to 4600, Level:2 from 6200 to 5000.
- Plasma Torpedos now has auto cast on default.
- Re-done textures on Kosovza beams. If anybody would still like the green one's their texture's are still their, you will just need to change them back in the Kosovza's entity file.
- Re-done textures on Talak Distructor to better match Vasari.
- Re-done texture on Kosovza build button to better match others.
To install, just extract striaght into "Alliance, Hidden Agenda's" mod folder.
Patched text version;, Hidden Agenda's
Latest and most Up to date Version 1.01 (bin), Hidden Agenda's
1.01 Change log.
-Button textures re-done.Tech SB's weapon upgrade button no longer shows pictures of frigates when pressed.
-Distructor beam now fires from both weapons at once instead of sporadically from 1 or the other
- Vasari Anti module turret is now able to move slowly, max.amount deployed reduced from 3 to 2, so capitals that deploy them are not so impeded by them. Also the cool-down time increased to level 0;90 from 20
level 1;85 20
level 2;80 20
Also; Thanks are to be given to "harpo 99999", "Zanyth0x42" & "newboerg" for making available such excellent and helpful modding tools,
"PUREVENOM" for helping with texture's and abilities & all the dozens of other experienced modder's that have helped out with problems I've had.
It would not have been possible without your help.
And a big thank you to the Distant Stars team for permission to combine A,HA's with Distant Stars.
Distant Stars & Alliance, Hidden Agenda's (Beta) integrated version;
Newer version with player buttons fixed, Distant Stars fighters now appear in Alliance Hidden Agenda's ships & Abilities values changed to better go with Distant Stars.