I am not trying to be overly critical here, but I wonder how the rest of you feel about some of the "silly" touches in many Stardock games? By silly, I am mostly talking about some of the text associated with techs and units in the GalCiv games and the hints of a similar tone in Elemental. Example: https://forums.elementalgame.com/376728 Here on the card for the character Lorina, the text reads "And I'm all out of gum...".
Now I do understand that not everything has to be serious and that a lot of people appreciate silly humor, but to me that kind of thing just kind of takes me out of the immersion of the game universe somehow? I don't know how many times in the 2 GalCiv games I would read thhrough the text of a technology breakthrough and see a couple little quips like that, and while it was never a huge deal or anything, I always kind of wished they used something a little more in character with the feel of the game world? Occasionally I did crack a smile or something when reading them, but mostly I usually wished for something more atmospheric instead.
Please don't feel the need to flame me for a simple opinion, but I am curious how the rest of you feel about this kind of thing? Do you prefer a lot of silly humor in strategy games, or would you prefer more atmosphere and immersion?
Thanks for your time.