So I was playing a game with Inex0rable and we were losing, when at one point BOTH of his allies disconnected. It really sucked, and I was wondering how many times this has happened to me, (a lot actually), when he said that he wants us (me and my team) to concede, because he would win anyway.
Since nobody has done that for me, and I have lost many games because 1 or 2 allies disconnected, I told him that I will NOT concede.
And then....Inex0rable slowe the game like hell, like 2 FPS for example, and he admited doing it, because he said he wants us to either concede or cause an Invalid Error.
I told him that I dont know how to cause an error ("I am not a cheater like you"), and that I will not concede. he finally gave up, when he realised he cant cause the game NOT to count, and conceded. The whole slowing down thing lasted about 10 minutes, just for the record (thank god).
Here are 2 sshots:

These kind of players totally destroy the game and I wish everybody would just play to have fun, its a game after all