Morph's just waiting for Chunder's class to finish so that the trolling can commence. I can feel it in my bones...
Nope. I'm done on my part. Read my previous posts
you may have send meeks packing, but im here to supervise the annoying one.
= Retard v3.0
Dont forget to avoid grammar/spelling errors, so that its harder for us to figure out if you're the same person as Arctic.
Oh're not smart enough to think about that. Damn!
Riiiight. Just like "you" "came here" to "help" Blunder-butt
Yes! Apparently Blunderfuck has a lot of friends! So just back off, because they are gonna kick your ass!
You know, I do have to congratulate you. You seem to have an endless capacity for insipid personalities.
Dont give him too much credit. He cant even realize his way of writing/typing gives him away from miles
And I cant really distinguish different personalities here. Just different moods of the same personality.
and me and Blunder their live in the same city dude
I know. You live in the same city, same street, same house, go to the same school, and you even sleep on the same bed!
Wait a sec....are these a lot of coincidences?
Ok i'm here. Now who's the troll who sent meeks packing?
There's a Troll-wannabe here, who goes by the name of ArcticFuckface....I mean, ArcticHomo....damnit!
I mean, ArcticBlunder
Does that count?
Edit: Yea Morph LoL is showing busy to me we got all day tommorow and whenever it comes back on tonight to play though. Wish I didn't go down
Yep, its busy for me as well.
I was hoping they'd fix it in the next, say, 10 minutes, (because sometimes when the Busy status shows up, it gets fixed quickly), but NO.
Thats some good luck I have, right?
Ah well, see ya tomorrow in LoL.
Btw, get on Alien Swarm! Its awesome
"We were inhuman beings....butchers on a field of corpses....corrupt and depraved....only a sum of viscera, blood, and bone - Creatures without soul."