You all know that I'm not so mean as to turn down a direct statement to me. Why is it that whenever I post normally, everyone takes their time to post back, but when I say I'm gonna take a vacation (two WEEKS not months) everyone acts like it's the hugest thing since sliced bread? (at least, for a while) I just find it a little irritating that I only get significant post increases when I try to pull out. Anyway
Morph: So, you'll watch Samurai Jack, but not Code: Geass? 
Twilight: The Legion is more you, (as in, I didn't pick it
) but it is rather lonely as the last of the Geass cult.
Skidi: Huh, so you're older than me, too.... ah, well, the 26th? I'll do my best to show up.
Sol: See above. 
Altaux: Not to ruin the series, or anything, but couldn't Aku just continually deny Jack any oppourtunity to kill him by sending him forward in time eternally? I used to watch it when it was on Cartoon Network like 8 years ago, soo...
In the meantime; you wanted to know what she said that could fill up an entire page? Well, I won't copy it, but it basically said that she really appreciated my being there for her the entire year, that it takes alot to be the kind of person I am, that we need to hang out more over the summer, and that I should never change.
In other, related news, check out my most recent IM.
Shayla (8:10 PM): i really like koda. like alot. and i think he likes me too, but idk for sure. but if he did mom wont let me date him until next school year cuz he dated liz. even if he asked me out. grr
Shayla (8:12 PM): omg that wasn't supposed to go to you. i was IMing someone else too i must have clicked over. *major major deep red blush* i cant believe im so stupid...
Shayla (8:21 PM): i probably will be back on later than normal cuz mom and me are gonna watch a movie
Xer0 \^/