I've only just found this mod, and I have to say I'm very impressed with the professional and polished look to everthing. Some of the philosphies for the map designs are really well thought out.
Also, the tech tree is a wonder, and definatley moves the game away form (and I love this) just a combat simulator. Very well done here.
Now a couple of question.
My tech Kol capital inexplicitly get a 10% weapons range increase, seemingly out of nowhere. Am I missing somthing.
2. Also, I seem to be getting weird hull damage as I fly about (still with plenty of shields intact). Now this is at the very early stages of the game, before meeting anyone, so do these pirates/raiders (which BTW, have really become more then just a nuisance-and for the better of the game) have some shild piesing weapongs, or do certian planets types/suns cause hull damge?
Note: I always edit one of my artifact techs (the base level parts), so as to mod each mod to my liking (ie very long/epic games). In this case I added 300% to hull hit points (among many other things) so another cause for the above hull loss is for some reason this had caused a problem elsewhere. (which incidentaly has not happen with any other mod I've done this with, nor, at the beginning of playing you mod-all of the ships and structures have the exact 300% increase that I am looking for)
Edit. It seems this hull damage is related to phase jumping?
Edit 2. The hull damage is applied short after arriving at a planet. It does not happen all the time, and incidentally, the 10% weapons range bonus was applied at the same time as the hull damage. I've look through the planet buff files and could not see any indicators here, however, the timing seems to be in relation to the 2.5 second timing of the particular planet buffs (even though the buff should not effect hull or weapons range-the above happened when arriving a a gas planet)
Edit 3. The hull damage is from the big asteroid falling on my head
, and so I assume this is from the asteroid ship? (What is its enterty file name BTW.
The planet buffs do seemed to be bugged. In addition to the 10% weapons range one, I also got a double portion of the gas planets 60% increase to speed, setting it to 120% speed 120%turn ect. Upon leaving the system, my ship now has a permanent 60% increase, as if the buff end properties are not functioning correctly, in addition to the mysteries 10% weapons bonus. A reload does not fix this.
Regardless, I look forward to exploring your mod, there is a certain realism about it which I find excellent.