Here is some of whats been done for 1.8.
Babylon golem - changed to a single golem unit which has a 6% lifesteal aura, 1250 health, 5.2 movement speed, 100 attack damage, .47 attack speed

The units are ranged minions that grant an aura (radius 15) which adds 12% mana every 10 seconds (at lvl 1 this is about 90 mana). Up to 4 will be able to be summoned. 250 mana cost and 30 second cooldown. Units will have 700 health and high movement speed, doing 25 damage per shot.

Summons tower (perminant) which does area damage every 4 seconds and will set off frost nova on armor proc - 10 % chance. Towers summoned at higher lvls will have higher health and damage. No TOL beam function. Still in balancing

Fireball Tower now has scaling damage and maxhealth. Archer functions are being removed due to rebalancing.
Vortex is being changed to a tower type. This tower on armor proc will vortex all nearby enemies. another ability may yet be added.
Also for 1.8 i will try to get working a new shop tab. 2 consumables will be added from favour items at request - silence totem and slow ward.
Also adding mods:
Skirmish Ai - peppe - V1.9
*NB if the authors have any qualms about this please post and i will remove.
I think these ui mods are awesome, and will even out games played with ppl who do have these mods activated on a regular basis.
Skirmish ai was added as it provides a much more solid ai and for games with drop outs and rq's, the match might not be over. This mod also provides a rich single player experience.