Think of this thread as something similar to for the Sins community. Basically, a way for the community to share what they have created whether it makes it into a mod or not.
At a minimum post a screen shot of your model in blender, xsi, 3d object converter, etc or in game. If you have a name for your ship or story behind it, even better.
We are looking forward to seeing what you have created!
Interested in importing your models into Sins?
Visit (thanks myfist0)
The soase.weebly is a compilation of many of the hard to find topics created by many experienced soase modders and extensively added to by myfist0. Check it out, you won't be disappointed.
From the beginning of this thread IskatuMesk has wow'd us with his models and ultimately released a video of his creations in Sins of a Solar Empire. This particular model was my favorite in the beginning and still stands out.

SivCorp looking to stretch new ideas from existing models managed to create several menancing models including the fantastic Vasari version seen here: (Vasari Flagship Sonar Kal'd used in the Distant Stars Mod)

It's my thread so a few of my stuff...