I always keep an eye on polycounts, anyway. Typically I don't worry about them, but I like to keep various classes of ships around a certain point. 5k for a spammy corvette is a little high, for example. 31k is acceptable for my big ship because it'll be a very large, late-game flagship. I could go for broke with more and more turrets, but that just won't turn out well in sins because of the weapon limit, so at some point I need to stop and just take what I've got and go with it.
Speaking of which, I finished it, except for the engines.
Reduced 39%
Original 1440 x 779
This is one of my models that will suffer massively from non-moving turrets. A pity, since even homeworld 1 had moving turrets.
Holy crap! That looks awesome! Do you mind if I ask why you can't uv map/texture your ships? Don't know how to, don't want to, the software doesn't work, what? Those would look really awesome with textures
Also, I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to do some hilarious hardpoint trickery to get all these guns to fire inside Sins, too. Like, using one hardpoint for every two barrels.
I haven't counted the exact number of guns on that thing, but you might not have to do that. The limits for hardpoints in Sins are 20 per weapon per side. So you can have 20 hardpoints for weapon0, 20 for weapon1, and 20 for weapon2 on the right side, and do the same for each side, for a total of 240 weapon hardpoints.
I'd post some of my models here, but the only ones I think are any decent aren't for Sins. Oh well...