Quit babbling and spewing nonsensical descriptors from thin air. You didn't know what the hell you were and birds of a feather flock together. What does that mean? Their is a 50% chance your friends are as screwed up as you are. I don't have to get unverifiable conformation from anyone else. Your own words damn you. Stop dragging friends (real or imaginary) into your argument. It means nothing here. Need another tissue or are you good?
You're right, apparently providing support doesn't matter to you. Like I said, I trust their word and the talks we've had on the subject matter, that's what matters to me - not your opinion of it.
Doc, I guess he doesn't get it. One only had what one presents here. An affidavit from *name here* or a note from your mom means absolutely nothing. If multiple persons suggested I wasn't a conservative, or I was religious, and I disagreed, I'd be asking myself, "humm, what am I doing to convey that impression". AJ is quite the opposite, the emperor with no clothes. I imagine he's been picked on most of his life, so now anything counter to his vision is just tuned out. I don't have a problem with that, but then he probably shouldn't comment, if he doesn't like what he hears. One can't be delusional and expect not to be called on it. Maybe if one needs someone to validate their opinion, and they are fearful of a response they won't like, one should stick to those friends that affirm their existence
1. Agreed, one does only have his word here, but then again, you would think that a person having made mistakes in the past could rebuild the credibility and integrity of his word.
2. I've asked people to point out where I'm apparently giving that impression (among other things). because I honestly don't see what many of you guys have pointed out (ex: My being childish...which is weird 'cause out everyone i interact with - [friends, co-workers, fellow students, et al.] - you guys are the only ones tbat call me childish). Instead of replies - many of you choose to belittle and flame me. Now you talk about my merely needing to ask?
I've long since accepted that some people will just resort to flaming and name calling; there will also be those who don't like me and/or like to live in their own little novacaine bubble - that's fine. I don't i0ntend to preach; I'm human, just like everyone else, and I still have A LOT of room to grow and learn when it comes to shrugging off flaming as well as name calling, but it comes off as if many of you are sitting on a high horse - criticizing me without looking at yourself.
Why do you tune out? I've been civil; I've conceded points and admitted I could be wrong, but when are you going to do the same? Hence, that is why I've come to the conclusion that - for the most part - there's no little point in discussing much, if anything, with you.
Continuing back to your point - You've pointed out that I'm wrong and/or "need help" in some areas, that my concesssions are not enough. When it comes to some issues, I've tried to compromise, I really have; however, there is a fine line between compromising (i.e. being open) and compromised. There are just certain areas that I'm not willing to bend, because of how far compromising would go. (i.e. How much do you compromise [or bend] before you break?]
It's interesting that you mention "friends that affirm their existence," as I am currently reading the book "Letters to a young activist," by Todd Gitlen. I wiill have to go find the pasage that I'm reminded of and provide it, because it's insightful.
Again, what am I doing that shows what you see. I'm open to you *showing* me what it is. (Without patronizing comments, name calling, flaming, etc. ) Lets be civil for once, eh?